If you are aiming to optimize the use of your time by doing as much as possible via scripting, you will soon want to run scripts in parallel to save time. PowerShell does not demand that you run jobs one after the other; It has the means to launch actions whenever you wish and to…
Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2014 AlwaysOn HA/DR – Active/Active fail over configuration
source:channel 9 – TechEd
All About Microsoft Office 365 Directory Synchronization and Federation Options
source:channel 9 – TechEd
WSUS won’t uninstall or re-install
WSUS 3.0 SP2 is missing SQL server Express or has been damaged somehow. When opening WSUS you receive a SQL error when trying to connect. You cannot uninstall WSUS. An attempt to uninstall/re-install fails with an error. The event log shows event id: 1034 with “Removal success or error status: 1603” HOW TO FIX: Open…
CentOS Network Bonding
You can also bond two network cards together to get more network traffic throughput. This means that you need to configure your network bonding in “load-balancing” mode and make both network cards active at the same time. This way you double the network throughput to and from your server. But if you want to successfully…
Ubuntu Network Bonding
Network bonding refers to the combination of network interfaces on one host for redundancy and/or increased throughput. Redundancy is the key factor: we want to protect our virtualized environment from loss of service due to failure of a single physical link. We will configure our network cards in “active/backup” configuration. This is a network bonding…
What is EasyApache & How to Install or Uninstall EasyApache 4
EasyApache is a software that installs, modifies, and validates your Apache web server, PHP, Tomcat, and other components of your web server. EasyApache 4 supports the following operating systems: CentOS 6 or 7. CloudLinux 6 or 7 (cPanel & WHM version 56 or later only). Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 or 7. EasyApache 4 supports PHP versions…
TCP Settings for Heavy Load on Windows OS
This topic describes how to tune Windows XP, Windows 2003, and Windows 2008 /2012 R1 & R2 operating systems for TCP/IP performance. “Tuning” involves adding several registry keys. To add a key to the registry, you can either edit it directly as described below. When you have finished adding or editing these registry keys, you…